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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feeling Peace

At least two or three times each winter I need to go on a walk late at night with snow falling and a fresh layer on the ground that not even one set of footprints has impressed on it yet. The yelllowish street lights blazing the trail and glimmering off of the pristine snowy covering.
I need this walk to have the peace of the moment pour in on me. These walks come at different geographical locations, this year it was a stroll down Webster, then Creighton, and Hoagland next, and Woodland back to Webster, then home.
The perfect walks are the ones when the wind is nothing more than a light breeze and the temperature hovers just below freezing. If the wind chill is too low it begins to make me feel hurried, negating the setting of peace.
I need these walks because they are a tangible exemplification of the cleansing of the psychosomatic person before God, the Creator, the Savior.
At times it can be hard to feel forgiveness, it can be difficult to embrace an embodiment of the peace that has been made with God.
These walks remind me how real it is. I can feel the cool of each flake on my skin. These flakes are every bit as real as the peace made with God.
This moment is one of many connections between the physical and the spiritual.
Is it snowing now? Go for a walk. Find Peace. Feel Peace.


Eric Spreng said...

don't walk on creighton when there is thick fog like tonight. ( unadulterated snow = cathartic / heavy fog = throat slit )

p.s. I'M IN-- http://ericspreng.blogspot.com/

Luke Humbrecht said...

I would agree with Eric. From the best of my memories, Creighton street was often a frightening option as I would make my way across town. Even in a car.

How goes it Jordan? Long time no see. It's good to read about your current thinking.

Joshua said...

Don't listen to them. Creighton is nothing to fear.