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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Enjoying the Journey

It has become of supreme importance to me in the past few years to enjoy the journey more than just anticipating the destination. Of course this has its practical problems. For some, it can become an escapist narcotic high to ignore the trials of today while looking to the end. If I truly care about enjoying the journey than somehow I must learn to apreciate frustrating and stressful times as well as the good. I must learn to live in the moment and allow myself to truly feel the way that I feel. It means that I must let tears fall and I must let smiles slip and I must let frustration roam. None of these are a lack of control but rather the experience of more control, while I am on this journey I choose to let it happen.

'Count it pure joy my brothers when you experince trials of all kinds'

1 comment:

tim dillon said...

tim here, I don't read many web logs regularly, but do look forward to yours. I have never gotten to here as much of your voice as I desired.